When your daily wastewater volume is not high enough to warrant a Met-Chem Continuous Flow Wastewater Treatment System then a compact Met-Chem Batch Wastewater Treatment System is the way to go. Our batch wastewater treatment systems range from 500 gallons per day up to 10,000 gallons per day. Lower flowrates than this range are great candidates for evaporation and high flowrates need to use a continuous flow wastewater treatment system.
Build to Your Specifications
Wastewater created during the day can either be held in a holding tank or pit prior to the treatment tank. When you are ready to treat your wastewater the operator will turn the system on and pump the wastewater from the holding tank into the treatment tank. The treatment tank will have high level controls, if reached the pumps feeding the treatment tank will be automatically shut off. The treatment tank will also contain low level probes. The system cannot be started until these are reached to ensure we are treating enough volume.
The control panel will control the entire process. This includes turning the mixer on and off in timed intervals, monitoring the pH, adding chemistry, and notifying the operator when the batch is complete and they can begin to run the filter press. The controls can also be run in hand mode for manual treatment.
Met-Chem will work with your chemical supplier to ensure the proper treatment steps are taken. This normally means adjusting the pH to drop out solids from the solution and adding a polymer or flocculent to help settle those solids. Please note every system is unique and we will ensure our design fits your specific treatment needs.
The Filter Press can either treat the entirety of the tank or you can decant some of the treated water from the top. The filter press flow will be set up for optional recirculation back to the treatment tank or for it to discharge to the drain or a final holding tank.
Batch Treatment System are customized for your application. Some features and options for your system may include:
Contact Met-Chem to learn more how a Batch Treatment System fits your business needs.
Phone: (216) 881-7900
Email: info@metchem.com
All Sizing and Material of Construction are Customized to Fit Your Specific Application
Additional commerical filters can be integrated into the system depending on your specific Wastewater Application. A popular option is to add a Caron Filter to remove organic material, chlorine, and other unwanted contaminants. This will prevent fouling and other organic build-up. In addition, your company will meet or exceed wastewater compliance.
Met-Chem can offer start-up and installation as an additional option. We can provide full support as you get your Batch Treatment System up and running. We have installation technicians and technical representatives that we can send to your facility to make sure the system is running as it should.
All units and systems are complete with manuals and telephone support. However, if you need someone to come to your facility, we will be happy to quote you on that as well.
Met-Chem, Inc.
837 East 79th St.
Cleveland, OH 44103
Phone: (216) 881-7900
Email: info@metchem.com
Copyright © Met-Chem, Inc